“So I Could…” | Selina Hilliard

Name: Selina Hilliard | Instagram: @saleenasss
Course: Fundamentals of Global Sports Management

I enrolled in the Fundamentals of Global Sports Management course so I could…
show my commitment to staying up to date in the ever-changing sports industry.

How did the course prepare you for working in the sports industry?
This course has prepared me tremendously. I obtained a Bachelor of Business in 2015, so taking this course now has helped me stay up to date on what’s going on in the sports industry and how things are changing/expanding.

How did the partnership with NYU for Fundamentals of Global Sports Management affect your choice to take the program?
It affected my decision a lot. To know that I would be learning from professionals from such a prestigious institution made me intrigued, and ultimately choose this program.

What is your biggest takeaway from this program?
My biggest takeaway from this program would have to be the new area of sports analytics and how it is affecting the sports world.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?
I thought this course was right for me because I knew it would help me level out the playing field when applying for sports positions. I have some experience in the sports industry but don’t have a Master’s in any sports program. I felt like this course was a great supplement to my bachelor of business.

What assignment, course, and/or instructor sticks out in your mind or taught you something valuable?
The marketing campaign assignment stuck out to me the most because it is something I actually want to do in my career. Making marketing campaigns is my career goal at the moment, so being able to get practice with that was amazing!

What would you say to a friend about Fundamentals of Global Sports Management?
Fundamentals of Global Sports Management was a great course that allowed me to dig deeper into my passion, at my own pace.

“So I Could…” Course Wrap-Up With Gaming & Esports Grad Un Emery Jo Scalliwag

Name: Un Emery Jo Scalliwag
Course: Gaming & Esports Industry Essentials

I enrolled in Gaming & Esports Industry Essentials so I could…
follow my passion of writing and acquire a job in the field of work I love

Where are you working now?
Teacher and Producer on Skillshare.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?
It was an online course about my true passion: Video game development.

How did the course prepare you for working in the gaming and esports industry?
As a Non-Binary person with health issues, it prepared me for what I may expect in regards to possible bigotry, but also solutions and support. I think this is important if I want to pursue my passion. I appreciate the course being honest in this regard and not trying to hide the uglier side of the industry. It also showed me how complex game designing and the industry has become. Games are a labour of love, but always worth it.

How did the partnership with FIT for Gaming and Esports Industry Essentials affect your choice to take the program?
I wouldn’t say it really affected my choice, though I hope to use it for any extra help in getting a job in the industry.

What is your biggest takeaway from this program?
Learning the process and changes in the industry, as well as just how fundamental video games are in human history today.

What assignment, course, and/or instructor sticks out in your mind or taught you something valuable?
The design document course. I used an old video game idea I had in my head for a while and put it on paper. It made me see that I could make it a reality. Now, I’m using the document to make the actual game!

What would you say to a friend about Gaming and Esports Industry Essentials?
That it’s worth looking into, even if someone may just plan on taking it to learn more about the industry.

Has your experience in Gaming and Esports Industry Essentials impacted your career at all yet, and if so, how?
I believe that it’s been a great help in me realizing that this IS where I want a career in. I’m an excellent writer and I love making the world a more fun place! I hope to use my experiences here to get the job I know I can get

“So I Could…” | Frances D. Barth

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Name: Frances D. Barth        Course: Film/TV Industry Essentials

In an engaging interview, Film/TV student Frances D. Barth shares insights into his transformative experience with the Film/TV Industry Essentials program as part of the #SoICould campaign. Discover how this course broadened his perspective on the film industry, equipped him for independent filmmaking, and opened doors to professional growth in marketing and distribution.

Q: I enrolled in Film/TV Essentials so I could…
A: Learn other aspects of the film industry that I was not aware of.

Q: Where are you working now?
A: In my studio.

Q: How did the course prepare you for working in the film and TV industry?
A: I’m an indy filmmaker and 75 years old-so I wasn’t focused on fitting into an industry, but to be better in all aspects of my filmmaking. Right away I understood I need to go back to my most recent film, Dreaming Tango, which has played many festivals but I need to further develop aspects of the press kit, marketing and attempt distribution past film festivals.

Q: How did the partnership with NYU for Film and TV Industry Essentials affect your choice to take the program?
A: It was the main reason I was interested.

Q: What is your biggest takeaway from this program?
A: I have a much better practical understanding of all aspects of filmmaking-especially regarding marketing and distribution and levels to aspire to professionally.

Q: What assignment, course, and/or instructor sticks out in your mind or taught you something valuable?
A: They all did-most of them were from the NYU school. Each offered really important information and concepts.

Q: What would you say to a friend about Film/TV Industry Essentials?
A: I think it’s great for someone who knows much of this already, but I would think intimidating for anyone who isn’t used to technology already.

Q: Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?
A: I wanted a broadly scoped project on film/tv. I have taken many single CE classes and I thought this would be very helpful as I’m about to tackle a feature film.


If you’re passionate about the film industry and eager to explore new possibilities, we invite you to check out our  Film/TV Industry Essentials course and feel free to check out our wide range of other exciting courses. Embrace the spirit of exploration and growth with Yellowbrick – your gateway to a world of endless opportunities.

Kenecia Lashae Discusses Why She Chose Beauty Industry Essentials | #SoICould

(press play above to hear Kenecia’s course testimonial)

Name: Kenecia Lashae Course: Beauty Industry Essentials

Instagram: @passport2pretty

I enrolled in Beauty Industry Essentials so I could…

I enrolled in this program so I could gain a better understanding of the fashion industry and the day-to-day process of getting an idea turned into a product.

Where are you working now?
I am working on creating a conscious body care line.

Has your experience in Beauty Industry Essentials impacted your career at all yet, and if so, how?
Beauty Industry Essentials has not yet affected my career but I’m sure in time it will have a positive effect.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?
I thought the course was right for me because I took two years off from the industry and wanted to polish up with the course.

How did the course prepare you for working in the beauty industry?
The course was a refresher for me in many ways. I think it will show potential clients my dedication to continued education.

How did the partnership with Allure for Beauty Industry Essentials affect your choice to take the program?
The partnership with Allure was a major appeal to me because they are a staple in all things beauty.

What assignment, course, and/or instructor sticks out in your mind or taught you something valuable?
The course that stuck out to me the most was beauty writing is hard, because it is. I like the instructors’ analogy of writing 500 words on mascara versus a crisis overseas.

What is your biggest takeaway from this program?
That I was actually very interested in the branding side of the course and could see myself exploring an additional service.

What would you say to a friend about Beauty Industry Essentials?
I would tell a friend that Beauty Industry Essentials is a great refresher course that can help you explore different avenues of the beauty industry.

“So I Could…” | Skye Monroe

Name: Skye Monroe Course: Fashion Industry Essentials 

Instagram: @skye.monroe

I enrolled in Fashion Industry Essentials so I could…

I enrolled in this program so I could gain a better understanding of the fashion industry and the day-to-day process of getting an idea turned into a product.

Where are you working now?

I am currently Self-Employed.

Has your experience in Fashion Industry Essentials impacted your career at all yet, and if so, how?

Yes, I will be attending Parsons School of Design in Fall 2021.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?

The course taught me the steps to advance towards a career in the fashion industry.

How did the course prepare you for working in the fashion industry?

It taught me all about fashion verbiage, skills, mock-ups, and portfolio content.

How did the partnership with Parsons for Fashion Industry Essentials affect your choice to take the program?

After taking the Fashion Industry Essentials course, I committed to attending Parsons in the Fall.

What assignment, course, and/or instructor sticks out in your mind or taught you something valuable?

Production Cost course shed light on the business aspect of the fashion industry

What would you say to a friend about Fashion Industry Essentials?

I really enjoyed the program and would recommend it if you are looking into Parsons.

Elena Railean Discusses Why She Chose Hospitality and Tourism | #SoICould

Name: Elena Railean

Course: Hospitality & Tourism Industry Essentials

Instagram: @helenrai

I enrolled in Hospitality & Tourism Industry Essentials so I could…

Improve my knowledge in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, to drive excellence and 5-star service.

Where are you working now?

Corporate Trainer in Customer Service for Airbnb Project, Lisbon.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?

I’ve always had an interest in the Travel and Tourism Industry. I wanted to have an up-skill in this field. Life is a constant learning and improvement experience.

How did the course prepare you for working in the hospitality industry?

It made me aware that it is not only about hotels and restaurants, but it is an entirely new world to be prepared for in order to achieve an outstanding service experience.

What assignment, course, and/or instructor sticks out in your mind or taught you something valuable?

Event planning – How to use the space that has no purpose at this point for different business conferences and events, at a reduced price.

What would you say to a friend about Hospitality & Tourism Industry Essentials?

If you are currently stuck and not sure where to take the step-up from, this course is a great source of inspiration.

What is your biggest takeaway from this program?

I never expected to be so fond of Sales and Entrepreneurship. Enjoyed the class, and how interesting and easy it is integrating.

Brittney Perry Gives Us The Sneaker Essentials Scoop for #SoICould

Name: Brittney Perry
Course: Sneaker Essentials
Instagram: @perrycoshoes
Website: https://perrycoshoes.com/

Where are you working now?

I’m working on releasing 2 fall color-ways of my shoe and creating a new silhouette to release in 2021.

Has your experience in Sneaker Essentials impacted your career at all yet, and if so, how?

It got me back in the groove of graphic design and some of the basics or brainstorming ideas such as mood-boards.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?

I wanted to have a better understanding of the history of sneakers and how they are made.

How did the course prepare you for working in the sneaker industry?

Taking the course would allow me to speak more intelligently about sneakers. Knowing the history and technical terms would definitely help anyone stand out to a potential sneaker employer.

How did the partnership with Fashion Institute of Technology for Sneaker Essentials affect your choice to take the program?

Complex gave the sneaker program more credibility. Seeing that I could potentially have opportunities to be featured by Complex and work with others in that space was encouraging.

What is your biggest takeaway from this program?

Learning the ins and out of how a sneaker is made as well as the parts of the shoe was really beneficial. Even though I have a sneaker brand now, the program helped me gain a greater understanding of sneakers. This can help me communicate my ideas clearly to my manufacturer.

What would you say to a friend or fellow Sneakerhead about Sneaker Essentials?

If you want to have a career in the footwear industry, I would highly suggest enrolling in Sneaker Essentials. You will learn the ins and outs of the industry. Not only about sneakers, but also marketing, design, and videography in the sneaker field.

Jasmine O’Conner Talks Sneakers, Coursework and Following Her Passion

Name: Jasmine O’Conner
Course: Sneaker Essentials
Instagram: @jasmine_oconner

I enrolled in Sneaker Essentials so I could..

Follow my passion and dream of working in the sneaker industry.

Where are you working now?

Cummins Inc.

Has your experience in Sneaker Essentials impacted your career at all yet, and if so, how?

Not yet.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?

I knew this course was right for me when I enrolled because I had just started a new chapter in my life and was ready to go after my sneaker passion.

How did the course prepare you for working in the sneaker industry?

I have way more knowledge about the sneaker industry than I did 12 months ago.

How did the partnership with Fashion Institute of Technology for Sneaker Essentials affect your choice to take the program?

It highly affected my decision. I’m always looking for things that are real and have credibility

What is your biggest takeaway from this program?

I loved learning about the design process and the thought that goes into it. It was very helpful to see the inside of the factories as well.

What would you say to a friend or fellow Sneakerhead about Sneaker Essentials?

Taking Sneaker Essentials was a very humbling experience and I would recommend the course.

“So I Could…” | Abigail Killam

Name: Abigail Killam
Course: Sneaker Essentials
Instagram: @ajkillam1202

I enrolled in Sneaker Essentials so I could..

enhance my knowledge of the sneaker industry and strengthen my resume to land a job in the fashion retail industry.

Where are you working now?


Has your experience in Sneaker Essentials impacted your career at all yet, and if so, how?

It has been a strong talking point on interviews.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?

I want to get into the fashion retail industry specifically footwear and this course just seemed like it would help me on that career path.

How did the course prepare you for working in the sneaker industry?

I find that this course gave me great knowledge and boosted my confidence in sneaker knowledge.

How did the partnership with Fashion Institute of Technology for Sneaker Essentials affect your choice to take the program?

It heavily affected my choice as the Fashion Institute of Technology has a reputation for being one of the best schools in the world for fashion and if I was going to take a class it might as well be from the best.

What is your biggest takeaway from this program?

The creative skills I have built for myself in the assignments I had such as creating the mood board to designing sneakers, and creating an unboxing video.

What would you say to a friend or fellow Sneakerhead about Sneaker Essentials?

I would highly recommend enrolling if you want to do a deep dive into every aspect of the sneaker industry.

“So I Could…” | Michael Franz

Name: Michael Franz
Course: Sneaker Essentials
Instagram: @welcomemyfranz

I enrolled in Sneaker Essentials so I could..

pivot my career path to sneakers through the added skills this course provided.

Where are you working now?

American Honda Motor Co. as a District Sales Manager in Atlanta, GA

Has your experience in Sneaker Essentials impacted your career at all yet, and if so, how?

I used the downtime of the past 3 months pandemic to buy an ipad and apple pencil and learn to design mockups in Procreate, some paid opportunities have already come through the pipe, my final assignment being an example of that.

Why did you think the course was right for you when you enrolled?

Because I love all things sneakers and wanted to become a student of my passion!

How did the course prepare you for working in the sneaker industry?

It taught me the top down view of what the industry looks like and what the different roles entail. I was able to see where sneakers began and where they are going in all facets as well and that was important to being a well rounded student of the industry.

How did the partnership with Fashion Institute of Technology for Sneaker Essentials affect your choice to take the program?

Brought validity to the curriculum for me.

What is your biggest takeaway from this program?

That there is a vast amount of jobs and roles that you could fit in within the sneaker world, you just need to carve out your place in it by honing in on which part you love most.

What would you say to a friend or fellow Sneakerhead about Sneaker Essentials?

I would highly recommend taking the course and putting the time in to soak up every lesson.