
How Athletes and Venues Earn Revenue

When talking about both national and global sports, the players make money first by playing their sport. Whether it’s a team sport or an individual sport, the better the performance, usually, the more money they earn. But on top of playing their game, there’s also money to be made in terms of endorsements, and products, and services, and programs that they represent and that they sell to consumers.

One of the all-time great endorsement deals is for Michael Jordan, “the air man”. He and Nike came out with Air Jordans at a time when the NBA had restricted what colors players could wear on their shoes. But Jordan’s statement with those first Air Jordans was so powerful that it led the NBA to change its policy. And now, of course, we’ve got all sorts of shoe deals with players.

Stadiums, arenas, and any sports venues earn money certainly by people coming through its gates, and the money they spend once they’re inside, but owners also earn money and generate revenue in all sorts of different ways. It used to be mostly from tickets, gate receipts, and concessions that fans had purchased once they were in the stadium, the merchandise they purchased in the stadium or merchandise that they’d purchased in a local store.

However, over time, that certainly grew in a number of different ways. Revenue for owners comes in the form of television deals. It comes in the form of basically any kind of business that the club or the franchise conducts anywhere in the ecosystem. So, we also see owners investing in areas that are sometimes indirectly related to sports, or in other areas in and around the venue.

Local real estate has certainly been one of the new things, over time, that owners have gotten involved in. And really, when you think about and look at it, what are sports venues really but nice-sized real estate deals?

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