
Online Sports Management Education on Interactive Ballparks

The Atlanta Braves’ facility is a good example of a ballpark that is very interactive with the fans. They offer their fans sports perks like renting a baseball glove or ziplining at the stadium. In addition, there are a number of other exciting things that fans can do when they aren’t watching the game.

Sports Management Education for Marketing Global Sports

The interesting thing about this interactive model is that it also benefits sponsorships. Sponsors want people to come to the game. Often, they have signs at any given arena or stadium. For example, Pepsi places advertisements all over the stadium, and they want as many eyes on those signs as possible in order to see a return on their investment.

Great Sports Management Leads to Great Sponsorships

These interactive experiences are a great way to draw people to the ballpark. Sponsors greatly appreciate this because more eyes in the ballpark mean more eyes are their sponsorship signs.

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