
How Discovering Yourself Can Help You as an Artist

For anyone taking part in music education or trying to forge a career in the music industry, it’s important for students or artists to figure out how to think about themselves, and to formulate a plan for the way that they’re going to connect with an audience. So, first and foremost, they need to understand that self-awareness is going to be the key to their success.

In some ways, we have to start from this self-awareness and confidence-building and ability to see your own faults, and also to see all of the possibilities that you have within yourself before you push yourself forward and find your outlet. Finding your intention as a performer is really about looking into yourself and realizing what you’re capable of.

Personally, for some of my music students, I like to have them fill out personality quizzes. The reason for this is that in reality, they allow you to answer all of these questions about yourself that you might not have thought about otherwise. Some people figure out that they’re people pleasers. Some find out that they’re introverts. And the good news is, none of these traits keep you from being a good performer. All of it is really about figuring out what both your weaknesses and your strengths are, and playing to them.

After we figure out our personalities, we can then figure out what our intention is as an artist. This means answering questions like, what do we want to give over to our audience? Do we want them to be hopeful? Do we want them to be introspective? Do we just want them to enjoy themselves? Are we just all about creating a conceptual artistic experience that is abstract in nature? All of these questions are things we figure out when looking at our intention as a performer.

One of the best ways to go about taking these personality quizzes, I find, is to do them in a group or a class, and fill them out together. Then, everybody shares the results with each other, which can sometimes be pretty shocking. Oftentimes, people might take the quiz thinking that they’re an extrovert, and then discover to their surprise that they’re actually an introvert. These kinds of realizations can help people determine who they want to be as an artist.

Some people might find out that they’re a people pleaser, and wonder if that’s a negative thing. Some people might realize that they’re an extrovert, but not actually feel like one. Overall, these personality quizzes are a great way for people to get to know each other, and they can also help us discover the ways that we can best connect to an audience.

If you have a desire to learn more about how to discover yourself as an artist and how to best connect with an audience, consider giving online music education a try.

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