Behind the Lens with NYU Film & TV Essentials Student Cooper White

When student filmmaker Cooper White embarked on his latest project, he started with a simple concept – a young person who feels forced into their parent’s career. But as with any good film, there is a twist – the career path is contract killing!

We won’t give away the ending but Cooper’s strong storytelling and cinematography skills are evident throughout the short film.

Cooper used the NYU Film and TV Essentials online course to learn about the process of filmmaking, especially the steps of pre-production, a part of the process he says he struggled with before. “It helped me understand how to make a storyboard, how to make a shot list, and how to plan for the best shoot possible,” he said.

Cooper uploaded his film, Pictorem, to YouTube and was honored as a finalist in the Independent Shorts Awards.

You can watch it here:


We asked Cooper what’s next in his filmmaking journey. He plans to attend film school and hopes to become an award-winning director and producer. We think he’s well on his way!

Cooper also wants to extend his gratitude to those who helped bring his vision to life. “I would like to thank everyone who made this film and the award possible for me, including the amazing faculty of the NYU Film and TV Course, as well as my encouraging parents, grandparents, and brother.”

To learn more about the online NYU Tisch Film and TV Industry Essentials course, enter your email address below for a course sneak peek. Students earn a certificate from NYU Tisch upon completing the course.


Fulfilling a Filmmaking Dream: Enmanuel’s Journey Through NYU’s Film and TV Industry Essentials

From the very start, Enmanuel Mejia’s passion for the arts and cinema has been an integral part of who he is. He has always found the profound impact that film can have on an individual’s life, the ability to connect with memories and emotions, to be fascinating. “Since childhood, I’ve always been passionate about arts and cinema,” Enmanuel shares, “These unique filmmaking characteristics always make me want to work on a cinema-related project.”

To help follow his dreams, Enmanuel enrolled in the online NYU Tisch Film and TV Industry Essentials course, powered by Yellowbrick. The course includes video lessons from major Hollywood directors and producers like Ang Lee and Judd Apatow, and is guided by New York University faculty members. The course culminates with a short film as the capstone project.

Enmanuel says working on his short film, titled “Luciana’s Bitter Side,” was an unforgettable experience. The dedication and creativity he poured into every frame paid off in ways he could never have imagined. “My short film ‘Luciana’s Bitter Side’ has obtained four official selections in the category of ‘Best Student Short Film’ in different film festivals in countries like France, Brazil, and the United States,” Enmanuel proudly states. The film was also a quarterfinalist among more than 13,000 projects in the 2023 Student World Impact Film Festival and was an award winner in the Brussels World Film Festival.

These accomplishments are a testament to the power of following your dreams. Enmanuel credits the NYU Film and TV Industry Essentials course with giving him the experience needed to produce and direct his film.

Enmanuel expresses his heartfelt gratitude, saying, “I want to thank God for allowing me this longing, and I also wish to thank my wife, family, and all of you for supporting me throughout this journey.”

Enmanuel invites you to stay tuned for more updates on his future projects and endeavors. You can follow him on Instagram here.

To learn more about the online NYU Tisch Film and TV Industry Essentials course, enter your email address below for a course sneak peek. Students earn a certificate from NYU Tisch upon completing the course.

NBA Veteran Langston Galloway and wife Sabrina share experience building company after taking Sneaker Essentials course

Langston and Sabrina Galloway visited the Business of Sports School, a public career-based high school in New York City, to share their journey creating their sneaker brand, Ethics, and to hold a basketball clinic for students.

Langston started his NBA career with the New York Knicks in 2015 and has played for several NBA and NBA G League teams since, including three years with the Detroit Pistons. 

Just before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns, Langston took the FIT x Complex Sneaker Essentials course which inspired him to launch his brand.

Learn more about how Langston and Sabrina are giving back to the community in the video below, produced by CloseUp360.

How FIT x Complex Sneaker Essentials helped launch Ethics sneaker brand

On his experience taking Sneaker Essentials, Langston says, “[Yellowbrick was] one of the experiences that changed my life in business for the better. While finishing up the program, we had a scheduled meeting with a school in NYC. And at that exact timing, our whole world shut down. Really made me realize that tomorrow isn’t promised, and that I want to leave a legacy behind that my kids will be able to be a part of going forward in their life. The idea was born of Ethics and building a new lane! Something different that the Underdogs In This World Can Believe In!”

Download the free Ultimate Sneaker Career Guide

After going to law school, Sabrina switched gears and headed to business school to become better prepared for building their own company. Sabrina credits the FIT x Complex Sneaker Essentials course for teaching Langston shoe design and how to break down the different parts that go into each shoe.

What is FIT x Complex Sneaker Essentials?

Sneaker Essentials is an online certificate course from the Fashion Institute of Technology. The course features experts from Complex and other professionals across the sneaker industry. Sneaker Essentials helps students build expertise in all aspects of the sneaker industry.

The video-based course includes lessons on:

  • Sneaker design and functionality
  • Manufacturing and distribution
  • Brand strategy and marketing
  • Publicity and media
  • Sneaker law

Sneakers Essentials is 100% online and can be taken on demand from anywhere, so students can study at their own pace. Graduates earn a certificate of completion from Fashion Institute of Technology.