MARTkd: Conversation With a Sneaker Design Director/Program Manager

Exclusive Conversation | MARTk’d Series: Episode 5 of 6


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Having a career in the sneaker industry is something that a lot of people dream about. Whether it’s designing a shoe or creating the blueprint for a sneaker boutique, the career opportunities are plentiful. Knowing the types of jobs that are available in an industry you are passionate about working in is important. Yellowbrick recognized that early and created Sneaker Essentials. Sneaker Essentials is a course created by F.I.T. faculty, Complex and sneaker industry experts designed to give students an inside look at the sneaker industry. 

While there are plenty of opportunities for a career in sneakers, it’s no secret that the industry is a male dominated field. While women are definitely represented, the majority of the positions are filled by men. Enter Liz Connelly and Cheresse Thornhill…trailblazers in the world of sneakers. They recognized the need to educate more women in the space and created a way to make that happen. They are the founders of S.E.E.D, an intensive sneaker program designed to teach young women the logistics behind sneaker design. From the idea of the design to the production, Liz and Cheresse decided that creating a lane for women in the sneaker industry was key. They recently sat with Yellowbrick’s own Dion Walcott to discuss their journey, the ins and outs of sneaker design and project management.

This episode, sponsored by ENVSN, focuses on women in the sneaker industry and what it takes to make that happen. Special thanks to ENVSN, a multi-dimensional community, committed to the professional and self-development of Gen Z and millennial adapters and their aficionados. The founders, Sharifa Murdock and Laura Stylez, created a platform that helps young women thrive and grow into their best selves. For more information about ENVSN, follow them on Instagram at @envsn and visit for upcoming festival info. 

 If you missed the live presentation, leave your email above to gain access to the replay ink.  

For more information about ENVSN, visit:

@ENVSNFest on Instagram

MARTkd: Understanding Creative Entrepreneurship

Exclusive Conversation | MARTk’d Series: Episode 2 of 6


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The MARTk’d Webinar series is a 6-part series with some of the industry’s top entrepreneurs, designers, managers, and even NBA stars. Identifying a problem and creating a solution plays a major role in entrepreneurship. A lot of the businesses across industries like Sneakers, Sports, and Streetwear were created as the solution to a problem. Companies like Uber and AirBNB were the multi-million dollar solutions to everyday problems. Entrepreneurship is an option in a variety of industries, it’s just a matter of finding the “why”.

As we continue through the MARTk’d series, Episode 2 focuses on creative entrepreneurship. Host Dion Walcott sits with The Kickback Founder Jayscale (Jamal Burger) and Community Relations Programmer Mac (Macaulay Madrigal). The Kickback is a Toronto-based charity that uses sneakers to empower teenagers to do well. The shoes are not just given to them but there are activities, events, mentorship programs and DIY workshops that engage the students. Earning a pair of fresh kicks is just a perk. This is not only about sneakers but about building a community that focuses on support and encouragement to help participants navigate through life and school/work. Jayscale and Mac spoke to their journey and how they turned their passion for sneakers into an A1 organization that inspires. 

 If you missed the initial replay, drop your email in the space above for access to the replay link.