
Sports Management Education Examines Social Media Strategies

There are a lot of different strategies that you see sports organizations use to develop relationships with fans through social media. One of those is a strategy just to elicit feedback and ask opinions. If fans feel that they want to know what I think or want to know my opinion, they’ll feel more valued. And then they’ll have a stronger tie to the organization as a result.

Online Sports Management Education Looks at Ways to Build Engagement Through Social Media

We see sometimes teams will post things where they want genuine feedback on something specific about the team, about the event experience. But then you’ll also see some just fun social media posts: “Oh, hey, who’s your favorite player and why?” That’s a simple example, but things where they’re just trying to get feedback and get that interaction with the fans. That’s one method that we would see this.

Social Media Contests in Global Sports Marketing

Another is having social media contests or inviting fans to submit content, and then the organization featuring that content on their own account.

How Sports Management Works With Social Media

There’s a gymnastics podcast that I listen to. One of the ways that they get greater engagement from their listeners is to have a contest. And they’ll say, submit a picture of yourself dressed up as your favorite gymnast of all time. And then they’ll post those on their own social media. It just helps to develop a stronger relationship and a closer relationship between the organization and the fans.

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