
Influence of Artists and Repertoire (A&R) in Music

Artists and repertoire (A&R) professionals exist to take care of the artists and their repertoire. That means you are making sure that they make the proper records. You got to have an ear musically to make the correct records in any music industry.

The game has changed a lot, and artists are getting signed because they have many followers. A&R has become a popularity contest. The guys doing A&R usually don’t deserve their jobs. They got their jobs because they were homies with somebody at the record company. Also, they know how to find YouTube numbers.

If that’s the case, it’s the reason when you pick up an album, you like two songs instead of enjoying the whole album anymore. Projects aren’t based on the entire package. They’re based on the two singles that they will try to push.

What’s happening with so many artists is they’re getting single deals. Yeah, you can make some money, but the record company is getting burned. It is because they’re not looking for whole albums anymore.

I would have to say hip-hip-hooray for the artist getting paid for your spins. It is preferable to wait until publishing clicks back Spotify paying quickly. It includes all the streaming money that’s there to be made. It’s a great time for artists now if they make great music. If they make great music, it isn’t even a record deal.

You don’t sell your music. No, it’s free. How do you make money? I’m on tour right now. I’m a touring artist. As the music grows, there are always better approaches of releasing. These can include visual albums, concerts, or broadways. There are many ways in which music moves amongst people. I feel like trying to force music into an album intended to be for-sale is obsolete.

There are guys making millions of dollars without selling records. Do you know what I’m saying? Some guys are giving away their albums and making millions of dollars like they sold albums. Some guys are becoming so crucial with their music that they’re giving it away for free. At some point, a kid won’t equate being a real fan unless they’re buying an artist’s merchandise. Some kids will bootleg an artist album in any way they can, from streaming, stripping, downloading, or finding it somewhere. They will not feel like they’re attached until they buy all merchandise.

There are many ways that artists can get right to it, especially without a record company that the game is super-duper wide open. It’s also super wide open for bad music. You had an A&R that had 2,000 tapes on their desk back in the days. They listened to the 2,000 tapes and picked the four that were good. You didn’t have to hear the 1,996 terrible tapes. Now you got to listen to it all.

Considering your attention span is down to eight seconds, you might have something unique in front of you. Then, you don’t hear it because you’ve been going through so much bad music. Once you get to that, you don’t give it a chance. It is because your attention span is gone. You don’t have the time to sit around going through all the bad music again.

We are in a new age, where the artist is in control. The days of finding a manager to save you and get you a deal are gone. You must figure out all the business and make music. It would be best if you found yourself in a position where you’ve been able to generate enough interest and income. You do this to get a bigger fish on the line, to help catapult your career to the next level. Any music education, regardless of it being a physical class or online music education must teach artists to be authentic and independent.

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