
Leadership Mindset: Mindset of a Leader

The first thing to say about the mindset of a leader is there needs to be vision. A leader needs to be looking forward.

There’s one professor who talks about seeing around corners- having the ability to see what’s coming and predict that. The other part of the mindset is comfort with ambiguity and comfort with uncertainty. Some people call it agility. What I’ve heard agility defined as is ‘Knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do.’ I think that’s really important for anybody who’s leading these kinds of efforts.

It’s that spark of creativity and the ability to see themselves as an innovator, and to really motivate the team as well. To draw out the best and create the right kind of environment for their team.

There needs to be that element of empathy, first of all. To understand other people aren’t walking in their shoes and to understand what they’re going through. Leadership today isn’t about command and control. It’s about coaching and coaching people to bring them along. As a leader, you’re not so much concerned about your own creativity. It’s about drawing the creativity out of other people. It’s about setting the right kind of conditions that are going to allow people to be creative.

A concept that’s being talked about quite a bit today is the element of psychological safety. You’re going hear that term quite a bit. You’ll probably hear about it more in the future, but it is about leaders who create the right environment, the right conditions, and the right climate where people feel comfortable to bring their ideas forward. They can go to their boss or they their leader, look them in the eye, and tell them the truth without fear of reprisal.

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