
Online Sports Management Education: Athlete-Driven Media

In the traditional sense, any given time where a content provider, which is a sports organization — say, the Houston Texans — wanted to give information about one of their players to the fans, they would give it to the mass media first. And the mass media would then distribute it to the given audience and probably a mass audience. If a player was hurt, for example, the Houston Texans would utilize that information and give it to ESPN.

Not only would they be able to give it to ESPN how they wanted, but then ESPN would choose how they would want to distribute that piece of information to the fans. So the fans are actually getting watered-down information not only from ESPN, because ESPN chooses to craft the message how they choose, but the information which comes from ESPN is actually coming from the Texans first.

There’s been an interesting example when social media started to hit its stride in global sports. Arian Foster was hurt in a game. He tweeted out an MRI picture. Now, this is a great example of how a piece of sports information changed drastically in terms of how it’s reached in new ways to sports fans members.

Arian Foster tweeted out a picture of his MRI. No longer did that information have to be understood by the Texans. The Texans didn’t have to give it to ESPN. And no longer was it up to ESPN in terms of how they would report this message.

ESPN, in the past, could have had the option to report on Arian Foster from week to week. Or, perhaps, to say whether he’s going to miss several weeks. It was up to the fans to understand the information from ESPN. Now, with this new tweet, Arian Foster gives his MRI directly to the fans.

Of course there are doctors on Twitter. So, they can completely understand for themselves what is going on with Arian Foster. They can actually diagnose how long he would be out, if at all. So, it was a really interesting example in sports management of how these two graphs represent a shift: not only in terms of sports information that certain teams get and certain organizations receive but also in terms of how sports teams and athletes themselves can have a better way of communicating with their fans and their audience members.

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