
How the Way Consumers Interact With Sports Is Changing

It’s interesting that the new generation, Generation Z, sometimes referred to as the “I Generation,” is often referred to as the pluralist generation. This ties in with the idea that these consumers are starting to view sporting events with multiple mediums. What this means is that not only are these consumers the younger generation, and not only are they starting to watch sporting events on television, but they’re also beginning to engage with these sporting events on their personal phone device, or their tablet or all of the above.

This allows a further form of engagement. Consumers these days are very reliant upon engaging with these sporting events. Consumers really value the idea of interacting with any given sporting event because it makes them feel as if they’re a part of it. In addition, it makes them feel as though they have some control over it.

When these consumers are given a second medium to interact with for any given sports activity, they feel that they can have some type of say in what goes on with that sporting event. This aspect of gaining control over the event is seen as evidence that consumers are interacting differently than they once did. Not only are they watching the game, but perhaps they’re also actively tweeting at the team. Maybe they’re on Instagram viewing what’s happening on the sidelines. This makes the consumer feel as if they’re experiencing an all-inclusive environment and that they’re actually part of the sporting event that’s taking place.

It’s important to realize the evolution of sports media. The advent of social media has come into play and helped us realize how important sports media is to athletes and consumers. It’s also important to recognize the value of sponsorships and how sponsorships can help shape a sports organization’s branding process. This goes for sporting event arenas as well, as they can also help with that process of shaping a brand. These things have changed a lot in recent years, and as our culture and society continue to evolve, so will these trends.

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