
How Vulfpeck Involved Their Fans in Funding Their Tour

The next thing with social media that also piggybacks on this story is really trying to bring your audience with you on some sort of journey. One of my favorite examples here is the wonderful Vulfpeck. They’re sort of a funk group out of LA. And something they did a few years ago was they wanted to do a national tour. But they were just out of college, and they really didn’t have the size following or the money to pull off a full tour.

So, they came up with kind of a funny idea. They posted a whole album on Spotify of complete silence. It’s called Sleepify. It was 10 songs, 30 seconds each, complete silence, no music. And the idea was they were going to reach out to their audience and say, “Do us this favor. For the next few weeks when you go to bed, play our album and press loop so the album is playing all night. And our hope is that maybe we’ll earn a little bit of money from Spotify, and we’ll be able to go on tour.”

Their fans start doing this, and the money starts coming in. After a couple weeks, there’s a few thousand dollars that have come in through the band. And, so they think, this has been amazing. It’s hilarious. Is there a way we can even raise the stakes more here?

So, they say to that same group of fans, not only if you keep doing it can we go on tour, but if you get your friends to do it, if we can really blow this thing up, we’ll make every date on the tour completely free.

They knew their audience. They knew their audience didn’t have a lot of money to spend. They knew that that would resonate with their audience. If there was a fan of theirs in a far-off city from where they were that never sees this band, they would happily go evangelize and tell their friends to do the Sleepify stunt so they could see the band for free.

So, it really blows up. Tons of people start doing it. The money is rolling in. Eventually, Spotify notices it because it’s a little bit controversial. They tear it down. That gets the band lots of press. At the end of the day, they ended up making tens of thousands of dollars from this. They were able to do the tour for free.

And to this day, their fans that were part of that still talk about it. Their fans feel like they were part of this journey with the band. And especially when you think about fans who might not have as exciting lives as an artist doing things like this, this is an amazing psychological thing to tap into. Make your fans feel like they’re part of what you’re doing.

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