
Pre-production: Setting up the Set: Production Design

Production design, also known as art direction, is critical to the success and look of any film. No arbitrary decisions are made. Careful thought is taken into consideration to ensure the film has a consistent look and style. During the pre-production and production design process, you work hand in glove with the director, cinematographer, and often the actors to ensure that the location, set, and whatever else you are shooting on reflects the characters and the story.
The Key to Production Design in the Film Industry
The production designer manages a lot of responsibility for each film frame, possibly more than anyone else. The director is responsible for the performances by the actor. The cinematographer is responsible for the light. Everything else in the frame is the responsibility of the production designer. That means that person has a tremendous job.
Production design does not just refer to the set, set dressing, and color. It also includes hair, makeup, wardrobe, vehicles, special effects, special greenery and plants, and props. It is a huge department.
One of the most exciting things that production designers do is “cheating.” In this business, cheating means fooling the camera. “For instance,” David K. Irving says, “if I’m wearing a big diamond ring, I don’t have to go to Tiffany’s and get a ring and rent it and bring it to the set with security guards and put it on so I can show it to the camera, because that’s very expensive. I can use a piece of glass. The camera will see it as a diamond.” The audience will also see it as a diamond.
Bottom Line
A production designer is an essential person in terms of the entire look of the film, the color, and how you will present your film. They will get involved in location scouting to find you the best locations for the film itself.

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